Garlic Toum

I recently came home from my favorite Cliff’s Country Market with loads of fresh, local, organic garlic and knew just what I was going to do with it. I’d been seeing Garlic Toum all over instagram and decided I wanted to try making it. The recipe that I kept coming up was from Cosette’s Kitchen, so I knew I couldn’t go wrong. I took some liberties with her recipe in order to make it with what I had on hand, but its garlic, and garlic is life!

Cosette’s recipe states to use a neutral flavored oil like canola or vegetable, but I didn’t have either of those on hand. Avocado oil would be perfect, but I didn’t have enough of that either. What I did have was a can of Organic Chetoui Olive Oil from Trader Joes, it is definitely NOT a mild flavored oil, in fact I buy this for making dressings and finishing dishes because it has a wonderful fruity, aromatic flavor. I thought it would pair nicely with loads of garlic, so I went for it! I didn’t want to waste any more time without Toum in my life.

It is definitely garlicky, and if you don’t love garlic, it may not be for you ( I might not be either if this is the case ;) ) If you’re on the fence about making it because of the sheer quantity it halves quite nicely, that being said it keeps longer than it takes me to use the full recipe…because I eat it on everything.

Garlic Toum

1 cup Peeled Garlic Cloves (took about 4 average size bulbs) *Fresh is key here, no green sprouts)


4 cups Oil (make sure its neutral, or you really enjoy the flavor of it)

1 tsp Pink Himalayan or Sea Salt

Squeeze of Lemon Juice (half a lemon was perfect!)

Place peeled garlic into measuring cup, dry measure works best. Add water until it reaches 1 cup. Pour water and garlic into work bowl of food processor and turn it on for at least 2 minutes, we’re talking smooooooooth. Once you have a smooth garlic paste stream in the oil in very slowly with the food processor running. Going slow with the oil helps ensure emulsification. Once all of the oil has been incorporated add the Lemon juice and Salt. It should have a texture similar to mayo, and a very, very intense garlic flavor.

Transfer contents to non-porous storage vessel and cover tightly. (Yay for Mason Jars!) Cosette says it will store in the fridge for several months, though I’ve not found it to survive that long.