My Vote for Safer Skincare

A couple years ago I could barely leave bed, physically it just hurt too much and cost too much energy. Since then I’ve been on a major mission to overhaul my health, approaching wellness from every direction. I’ve changed my diet and replaced all of my household cleaning products with safer natural and plant based options, all in an effort to decrease my families toxic burden and the effect we have on the planet. 

One thing was missing. Personal care products. Sure, I was conscious of what I was slathering all over my body, I read labels… but what you don’t know, you don’t know. Its hard for even the best trained eyes to decipher complex chemical names and know all the other aliases they may use. Its as difficult to keep on top of brand acquisitions and formula changes—just because you have a brand or product you like and trust doesn’t mean you need to let your guard down. The little guys we know and love occasionally get bought up by the big guys and in the spirit of boosting profits and decreasing the bottom line the products may change right under our noses, sometimes slowly, sometimes suddenly. Just another thing to remain vigilant of, food and personal care products are no exception.

Despite my best efforts to detox my life I was still, literally, bathing in some pretty nasty stuff. Fragrance is included in so many personal care products, even many of the “good” ones, so I continued to overlook it. Fragrance—so ambiguous. Fragrances are considered a trade secret, meaning cosmetics companies don’t even have to disclose this information when submitting to the panel— despite fragrances often containing ingredients that stimulate the immune system, probable/known carcinogens or endocrine disruptors. Oh, and did I mention that the cosmetics industry is self regulating? Cosmetics and personal care products don’t even have to get approved by the FDA before they are sent to market! If you’re want to check out what the FDA has to say about cosmetics you can find that information here, I promise you’ll be pretty disappointed.

For me Beautycounter is peace of mind. I no longer have to read labels to know my stuff is safe. Beautycounter bans the use of over 1500 harmful and questionable chemicals (the FDA has only banned something like 30!) Beautycounter is on a mission to change that through lobbying lawmakers and empowering consumers to make better choices when it comes to their personal care products. Yes, that is correct, a cosmetics company is pushing for tighter safety standards, in the name of #BetterBeauty. Text #betterbeauty to 52886 to send a personalized letter to your members of congress.

The level of commitment to changing the beauty and personal care industry is rivaled only by their commitment to transparency. Peace of mind is knowing that you’re purchasing from a company that has already done all of the leg-work as far as safety and efficacy go. I love that when I use Beautycounter products I don’t have to read labels and fret over ingredients, though if I wanted to the information is all very easy to locate on their website. They truly go above and beyond when it comes to educating consumers. I can trust that they’re not going to sell out because the mission comes first- getting safer products in to the hands of everyone. Beautycounter isn’t the only clean beauty and personal care product company on the market, but they are certainly leading the way through both market pressure and legislative lobbying. Our founder Gregg was even asked to speak in front of Congress regarding the need for better governance of personal care products.* It’s not just about skincare or lipstick, it’s about making sure everyone has access to the products they seek without deleterious health effects.

Beautycounter has something to offer for everyone! So much more than skincare and cosmetics, they offer products for the whole family. Literally anyone with skin can use their products and feel good about it. Plus each product they bring to market has been formulated using only the best ingredients, is rigorously and continuously tested to ensure they are providing the same level of quality you’d expect from a high-end cosmetics brand, minus all of the toxic chemicals, with the ongoing research to back it up.

For me joining Beautycounter was a no brainer. Products I know I can trust to be safe, effective and better for the planet. A company that stands for something beyond protecting their bottom line, through education and advocacy. An opportunity to better the lives of others by sharing #betterbeauty and the potential to support my family while doing it.  

This is not a sponsored post but does contain links to my Beautycounter site if you are interested in learning about what Beautycounter has to offer. If you’re interested in trying Beautycounter I’d be happy to make some product recommendations or provide samples based on your individual needs.

*Updated 12/2020